Predictions 2025
Whenever a new President takes office, there is an air of optimism surrounding the new administration. This year is no different because a hard-fought political season ended with a decisive win for former President Donald Trump. The clarity of the election will help the newly reelected President have an opportunity to make positive changes for the country.
Change was the theme for this election because the drift to the left was rejected. Most of the electorate shifted to Donald Trump's ideas, which his opponents characterized as radical. It became apparent that the radicalism was not coming from the former President but from his opposition. The once “outrageous” Donald Trump suddenly presented himself as the moderate and the voice of common sense.
Shock of the Left
The shock his opponents felt has been palpable and is most noticed in the mainstream media, but they remain in disbelief. Low ratings do not appear to be facilitating change in newsrooms that continue a drumbeat of accusations against the newly elected President. It does not matter that a couple of these networks are up for sale and that allegations have repeatedly been proven false.
It is not a good sign for 2025 that there is a lack of acceptance of the new administration by many, and it should not be a surprise that the viciousness of the left will continue. The tantrums of those with elitist attitudes may spill over into violence, but unlike in other years, there will be consequences that will cause some restraint. There will be legitimate issues to bring to the forefront, but there will be a backlash to stories concocted for sensational purposes.
Search for Minerals
The search for minerals will heighten this year. A new energy-based economy necessitates the race to find and mine new deposits of fossil fuels, rare earth minerals, and gold. The exploration of minerals from off the planet will increase, adding a new reason for urgency in space exploration, but the media may not report it.
New agreements with Canada and Greenland are coming, and there could be surprises. The United States is not done with Afghanistan and is looking for changes in that country that involve its massive mineral deposits.
Wars in Ukraine and the Middle East will moderate but tensions will never fully end. The devastation during recent years will take decades to repair in those areas. Raw emotions with factions will produce more terrorism and issues will arise between nations that are normally friendly with each other.
The United Nations will see change. There will be an effort to reform the organization, but the resistance will be great. Tensions will rise between the United States and Europe over Nato and trade.
Tensions with China will rise because of tariffs, supply chain problems, and territorial issues. These tensions will cause the East and West to continue to drift apart. Countries not friendly with the United States will not easily give up their gains from the past four years.
Enthusiasm for cryptocurrency will continue, but buyers should beware because fraudsters will make their mark with schemes of quick riches. The regulatory environment will clean things up, but not this year. If you invest in crypto, make your decisions carefully and never invest more than you can safely lose.
Donald Trump and Elon Musk have created a new buzz for this space, and their influence will make things even more exciting. New artificial intelligence coins are coming on board. Ethereum blockchains, artificial intelligence, and meme coins are just a few environments to watch if you are an investor or an observer.
Bitcoin remains unpredictable, creeping from side to side, then going up and making dips during the year. The energy of this space continues to be random for 2025.
The Economy
This is an area that will be in transition. Many businesses that have just been “hanging on” through this inflationary period will fail. The money supply must be closely monitored to ensure the economy will not fall into a recession. Donald Trump is a “force of nature,” his influence will be disruptive in all sectors.
Inflation remains sticky, interest rates stay about the same, and real estate continues to be transformed.
The Government
Immigration will be a hot topic with deportations beginning immediately. Mistakes will be made, but there will be progress creating a sense that normalcy and safety are returning. Reform of the immigration system will remain elusive but not because the President is not trying.
Resistance movements will not gain the traction that was evident during the first term of President Trump. It will, however, be disruptive.
Republicans will have difficulty governing as usual. This will cause gridlock as the President loses influence over his party. Change will occur through executive action and ugly politics.
“Out of the Box Thinking”
There is an expectation that the impossible will become a reality, and this year, there will be “leaps” in technology and medicine. Being flexible and patient will be more critical as we transform ourselves into a new way of life. Digesting change has been the norm for a long time, but we have not seen anything yet.
2025 is a 9 in Numerology
The personal year number nine is a year of completion. There will be many endings to the negatives the country has encountered during this last cycle. A “nine-year” can be a party year because negative times are ending, and a new day is ahead.
This year is a year to look to the future while events sort out the good from the last nine years from the bad.
Astrologically, 2025 is Special
Pluto settles into Aquarius for a 20-year run after a 248-year hiatus. The corruption exposed by Pluto while it was in Capricorn is being purged, but not without a fight. Corruption is never totally removed from government and institutions, but a new sense of ethics will be installed.
New laws and regulations will close loopholes, but new ones will be discovered over time. The type of corruption Aquarius brings will be innovative and possibly diabolical.
Aquarius is the sign of extremes and Pluto is about a slow transformation.
The clash of energies within the sign of Aquarius has its positives. Aquarian innovation is forced to settle down because of Pluto, which means that things can be done right. Society will move forward getting the details correct.
The new president has his work cut out for him but is creating a foundation for long-term change. Reversing the consequences of inept leadership will take time to see results. It will not be easy, but it can be done.
This New Year will be the end of a mixed nine-year cycle. 2025 will be a turning point with hardships that will prepare the world for better times. Next year, we will see progress, and hope abounds. Happy Days Will Be Here Again, but it has some setbacks.
John Cappello is a practicing Psychic Medium from Texas. For more information about John and his work or to book an appointment, visit