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Your Chakras and Crisis Energy

Updated: May 24, 2020

Your Chakras and Crisis Energy

The Corona Virus or Covid 19 is the latest crisis that requires our attention. This problem is unique because it involves the entire world and every human being on it! It is a surreal scenario that you might expect to see in a science fiction movie, but it is reality. In metaphysics, we notice that catastrophes affect our Chakras and keeping them balanced is essential.

When a crisis is around you, do you find you have a pattern of behavior? It is in these times that it is good to pause, detach, and analyze your reactions. Meditating and dwelling on your seven Chakras are a valuable exercise in staying balanced and handling a problematic period in a proactive manner.

The Chakras are very sensitive and can change from moment to moment depending upon the energy around you. They react to positive and negative messages you receive, and they indicate if we are over or under reacting to the stimulus. A balanced set of Chakras will keep your emotions balanced and you in a rational frame of mind.

Learning about your natural reactions to stress is helpful because, if you are balanced, your ability to make good decisions is greatly enhanced. Noticing changes in your body under stress is an indication that the Chakra near that area is out of balance. The action you take to address the situation needs to be decisive because a debilitated Chakra can cause health problems and/or a poor decision process being activated.


It is probably good to review the Chakras at this time if you are not fully aware of them, do not know the areas of the body where they are located, and the ways they affect you. There are seven Chakras and they are energy centers within the body. They start just above the head and end at the base of the spine.

The Chakra at the top of the head accepts Divine energy and this energy flows to the other Chakras in the body. It should be noted that although energy is accepted at the top of the head, we do not gauge the flow of energy from this Chakra. It is regulated from the Chakra located at the base of the spine. We will explain later, but for now we will give you a list of the Chakras, their location, color associated with them, and their function:

Chakra Name Location on Body Color Function

7 Crown Top of Head Purple Accepts Divine Energy

6 3rd Eye Forehead Violet Clairvoyance

5 Throat Throat Blue Self-Expression

4 Heart Heart Green Compassion

3 Solar Plexus Navel Yellow Sensitivity

2 Sacral Genitals Orange Sensitivity/Creativity

1 Root Base of Spine Red Personal Security


There are many ways to maintain your Chakras such as visualization, breathing exercises, crystal therapy, or using essential oils. You may know of other ways to balance your Chakras which are safe and healthy. A discussion of each of the Chakras and specific methods of balancing them is another helpful exercise.

It stands to reason, that if you are frightened or receive news which is unexpected that the first Chakra affected is the Root or first Chakra. It is at the bottom of your body, but it is the area where you may feel the most insecure in times of stress. An overactive Root Chakra will have you feeling uncertain and/or scrambling to find security whereas an underactive one will have you becoming a recluse and unapproachable.

The Root Chakra is the first Chakra and is balanced by taking a moment to become grounded. You can simply take off your shoes and walk around outside or just take a short walk. Sometimes a nice hot bath with Epsom salt is a good remedy. If you can take a moment in a crisis to get centered it will go far with regulating the energy in your body. The calming effect of getting closer to nature helps in regaining a sense of personal security.

Controlling the energy flow within your body works, but it takes some practice. Once you have acquired the personal knowledge of the function of your Chakras, it will become a powerful tool for self-control. You will be able to handle chaos in a crisis more effectively. A strong Root Chakra gives you confidence.

The sixth Chakra a/k/a, the Sacral Chakra is a critical area for figuring out solutions to a problem. It is critical because it involves our sensuality and creativity. It is natural to be closer to our intimate partner because we need their touch, energy, and support. This is true whether this Chakra is over or under active. Intimacy has the ability of balancing this area but expressing our creativity can be manifested in other ways as well.

Artists use their Sacral Chakra to express themselves. A new song, painting, or invention are results of a stimulated Sacral Chakra. Once our creativity is activated, innovative solutions can suddenly appear. Crisis can activate this Chakra and cause us to gain a new perspective. We may be at our best creatively when we are under stress! How have you expressed your Sacral Chakra energy in stressful situations in your life?

Our Solar Plexus Chakra or fifth Chakra is another area we need to control when we are under duress. An unexpected issue arising in our lives may cause an outburst of emotions for some when others become reticent with expressing themselves. The overactive nature of an outburst of feelings is a sign of the Solar Plexus being overactive. A person who becomes reclusive after a tragedy is a person protecting this Chakra and exhibiting an underactive energy center.

This is the “social” Chakra because it is our way of receiving and sending emotional energy from the Universe and others. Emotional reassurance from others or finding something that makes us feel “joy” are a couple of ways we can balance this Chakra and keep it healthy. If we are balanced emotionally, we are there for ourselves and we can be available for others who may need some emotional reassurance in a time of crisis. You can use the excuse of having an imbalanced Solar Plexus to get a hug from someone if you wish!

The Heart Chakra is the fourth Chakra and plays an interesting role in our life. The heart is the “pulse” of life and when we share our hearts energy with another it is very soothing and healing. It is a way of sending compassion to others. However, when we are not feeling well or having a bad day it is nice when others offer their “hearts” or compassionate energy to us. This is the Chakra of Empathy and we naturally send and receive compassionate vibes as humans.

When we are in love this Chakra is expressed with kindness but when we are under stress, we feel drained and have no energy. This is when it is important to re-charge this Chakra with kind acts to yourself and look for kind acts from those around us. A shopping trip or going to see a good movie are examples of being good to oneself. A kiss from a favorite person can help as well!

The third Chakra or Throat Chakra is about expression. A crisis can affect this Chakra by making you want to “shout” and be heard while if you have been ignored it may cause you to want to just be quiet. Either situation indicates you are not communicating at your best. When the Throat Chakra is over or under active a little self-exam on the ways you are expressing your ideas may be in order.

Communicating in a positive way with others can bring great results. If you are overbearing with your messaging, then you may not be open to suggestions from others who may have good solutions. If you are not expressing your thoughts and feelings, you may not be working the problem as efficiently as possible. In a crisis, words matter more than ever. Kind words and being open is essential.

Our Third Eye Chakra is the second Chakra and is at the middle of our forehead. It plays another important role in our everyday life, but in a crisis, it is one that we need to pay close attention. It is this Chakra which is a portal to other dimensions. It is where our imagination and our psychic vision meet.

When our Third Eye is overactive, we are not using our cognitive abilities to handle the issues that need immediate attention. We are waiting for a “vision” to save us from an impending problem. If we are not paying attention to our Third Eye, then we may miss a critical ingredient to solve a problem. It means we are rationalizing a solution and taking unnecessary charge of a crisis. A balance using this Chakra means you are doing the cognitive work to find a solution but open to a little inspiration.

The Crown or 7th Chakra. It is good to be open to the Divine and when it involves the seventh Chakra it means we are receiving the necessary energy to deal with any kind of crisis we may face in life. The Crown Chakra is the most spiritual of the other energy centers. There is a danger, however, if we do not use this Chakra properly.

An overactive Crown Chakra is an indication that we are not using our physical abilities to help ourselves. We are waiting for “Divine Intervention” to solve a problem in our life. Miracles do happen but we can help our situation if we work with the Divine. An underactive Crown Chakra means we are ignoring or just not accepting the energy of the Divine because we want to solve a crisis on our own.

The presence of the Crown Chakra is reminder that the Divine remains with us no matter the circumstances. We need to balance our openness to this life energy that is given to us for nothing. If we do not receive it then we are missing out on the greatest gift given to mankind. It is nice to know we are never alone especially in a crisis.


If you just take a moment to be in touch with the signals that your body is giving you in the natural energy centers that are called “the Chakras” then you will derive good results. Meditating on these areas and recognizing their importance in a crisis can give you immediate tools and make your response to a problem very effective. You will learn that depending upon the circumstances, whether you are giving or receiving assistance the Chakras are integral part of recovery.


In a crisis, it is important to be part of the solution and not part of the problem. It is a time to listen to the authorities and cooperate with them so they can do their jobs and help everyone in need. We can take charge of our part of the solution by being balanced emotionally and psychologically. Our Chakras can help in this regard if we choose to wisely care for them.

John Cappello is a psychic medium who has been in practice for over 25 years. You can visit his website at for more information or to set up a private consultation.

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